Thursday, June 3, 2010


Everyone all around the world, whether they are a Special Needs Citizen or not, has a favorite SOMETHING, whether it be color, animal, cartoon, or all of the above. My Mr. X has a favorite one of each of those things, but the one thing that he cannot live without is the color green! Hence, the name of this blog “special green heart love”. I made the page green and purple because his favorite color is green and mine is purple, that was my way of paying tribute to my special friend, Mr. X, whom I miss very much!

Nearly every day Mr. X wears something green to school whether it is an entire outfit, his shoes, or just his backpack. When he draws a picture, everything, or nearly everything, is colored in green. It becomes quite obvious, even to an outsider, that green is Mr. X’s favorite color. And, sooner or later, one will realize that the dinosaur is his favorite animal and SpongeBob is his favorite cartoon. Ask him to retell you one of the cartoons some time and he will retell you the whole store, verbatim, with voices and all, and it will warm your heart!